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Plan-en-have plante nøgle | bedre huse & haver


ag - Ageratum al - Allium an - Anemone, japansk ar - Artemisia arb - Arborvitae kunst - Arborvitae, Eastern as - Lily, Asiatic as - Ash, Green at - Aster auc - Aucuba azl - Azalea ba - Balloonflower bam - Bamboo, Heavenly bar - Barberry, japansk bb - Bachelor's Button bc - Bloody Cranesbill be - Bethlehem Sage bi - Bøg, europæisk bg - Begonia, voks bh - Blødende hjerte bi - Iris, Bearded bir - Birch, River bl - Tæppe Blomst bm - Blue Mist Buskboks - Kasse, Alm. Br - Barrenwort, Young's but - Butterfly Bush ca - Calendula cam - Camellia, Japanese cb - Carpathian Harebell ce - Celosia cf - Coneflower, Purple ch - Cheddar Pinks chl - Cherrylaurel, Common chy - Cherry, Blomstrende cl - Bellflower cm - Columbine, Hybrid cn - Coneflower, Orange co - Coleus barneseng - Cotoneaster, Rockspray cp - Coreopsis, Threadleaf cr - Chrysanthemum, Garden crb - Crabapple crp - Crapemyrtle, Common cry - Cryptomeria, Japanese cs - Cosmos cy - Century Plant cyb - Cypress, Skaldet cyp - Cypress, Leyland da - Daffo dil dap - Daphne de - Delphinium, Hybridhund - Dogwood, Red Osier dwd - Dogwood, Blomstrende dy - Daylily euo - Euonymus, Winged fa - False Blue Indigo fcn - False Cypress, Nootka fcy - False Cypress, Hinoki fe - Ferns gran - Gran, Hvid til - Forsythia, Border fot - Fothergilla, Stor fri - Fringe Tree, White frt - Firethorn, Scarlet fx - Foxglove, Common ga - Gazania ge - Geranium gin - Ginkgo gl - Globe Amaranth gol - Golden Raintree gr - Grass, Ornamental grd - Gardenia gy - Gayfeather, Spike he - Heuchera hem - Hemlock, canadisk hlo - Holly, Oregon Grape hny - Honeylocust, Thornless ho - Hollyhock hol - Holly hyd - Hydrangea im - Impatiens ir - Iris, Siberian jas - Jasmine, Winter jmp - Maple, japansk jnp - Juniper, Pfitzer jo - Joe Pye Weed jun - Juniper, Creeping kat - Katsura Tree la - Lantana le - Lamb's-Ears lr - Lenten Rose li - Lily-of-the-Valley lil - Lilac lin - Linden tændt - Lilac, Japanese Tree lm - Lady's Mantle lo - Lobelia lok - Oak, Live lor - Loropetalum, Chinese lv - L avender, Common ma - Ringblomst mag - Magnolia kort - Maple mo - Bee-Balm ne - Nepeta, Faassen ni - Nicotania eg - Oak ole - Oleander osm - Osmanthus, Fortune's pag - Pagoda Tree, japansk pe - Petunia per - Pear, Bradford ph - Phlox, Havekage - Pieris, japansk pim - Pine, Mugo pin - Pine pn - Pincushion Flower po - Poppy, Californien py - Peony pp - Valmue, Orientalsk ptl - Potentilla pw - Phlox, Woodland px - Phlox, Årlig rdb - Redbud rho - Rhododendron ro - Rose, Hybrid ros - Rose, Rugosa rsh - Rose of Sharon sa - Salvia sd - Sedum 'Autumn Joy' se - Sedge, Bowles sh - Shasta Daisy shr - Generisk buskski - Skimmia, japansk snb - Snowbell, Japansk sou - Sourwood spb - Spirea, Bumaldi spi - Spirea, Brude krans spr - Gran ste - Stewartia, japansk stj - St. John's Wort su - Sunflower sum - Summersweet svc - Serviceberry, Downy tre - Generic Tree tu - Tulip ve - Verbena, Rose vi - Viola, Horned vib - Viburnum, Doublefile vik - Viburnum, Koreanspice vin - Generic Vine vr - Virginia B luebells wch - Witchhazel, 'Arnold Promise' wei - Weigela, Gammeldags wlo - Willow ya - Yarrow barlind - Yew zi - Zinnia

Plan-en-have plante nøgle | bedre huse & haver